The Exmoor Youth Project
Exmoor Youth Project is a charity founded and run by the Churches in the Exmoor and West Somerset area. Rooted in our Christian values, we hope to enable every child and young person to grow as whole people in body, soul and spirit.
About The Exmoor Youth Project
- The Exmoor Youth Project was founded in 2004 and covers the area of the old West Somerset District.
- We work with churches and schools offering collective worship, assemblies, after school clubs, RE support, messy church and other outreach projects. We interact with around 150-200 children a week.
- We lead an ecumenical Summer Holiday club for up to 40 children as well as fundays.

Lynne Barton - Schools and Children & Families Outreach Worker
Lynne joined the project team in August 2016. She worships at St Andrews (Minehead) where she has also played a large part in the children and families team for over a decade. Lynne leads the children's work across all of the first schools, providing regular collective worship, assemblies, after school clubs, RE support and also does a lot of Church-link work, as well as holiday clubs and fun days.
Lynne loves working for EYP and is looking forward to what the future holds.
Support Us
You could become a Friend of EYP. A donation of just £2 a month (with the option of gift aid) provides a lot of materials for after school clubs!
Also you could give to one off events... our summer camp and holiday clubs are self-funded (what the children pay is what we spend), so our budget can sometimes be tight - also we don't want the cost of an event to be the reason a child can't attend, so we aim to make things as affordable as possible. If you would like to help subsidize any children for one of these events or donate for something more specific, please get in touch and we can give you some ideas of what might be helpful and a real blessing to our ministry!
If you would like to make a regular contribution to the project, standing order form's are available to download from the link below (please contact us for an address to send this to - by phone or email) or if you would like to make a one off donation you can find the details on the downloadable form below. If you would like to speak to us, or give in another way again please contact us and we will try to give you any details you need.
You will then automatically receive our newsletters and an Annual Report, as well as the satisfaction of knowing that you are encouraging and nurturing the spiritual growth of our young people.
Download our Standing Order Form (PDF 110kb)
Contact Us
If you are interested in the work of the Exmoor Youth Project or have any further questions, please fill in the form or contact 07584 498280 or
Lynne Barton is our designated safeguarding lead with Frances Nicholson and Lyn Fisher as our safeguarding trustees. Any concerns can be discussed with them.
Our safeguarding is covered under the organisation 'Thirtyone:eight'.